Tag Archives: Technology & Outreach

Education, Training & Public Awareness

Invited Speakers Prof Benny Chain, University College London Prof Rick Stevens, Argonne National Laboratory Prof Andrea Townsend-Nicholson, University College London Panelists Dr Jeremy Yates, University College London Dr Anneke Seller, Health Education England Dr Nikolas Maniatis, University College London Symposium Chair Andrea Townsend-Nicholson, Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Symposium Description The ability to use…

Innovation in Modern Biotechnology

Invited Speakers Mariano Vazquez, Barcelona Supercomputing Centre Cristin Merritt, Alces-Flight Luca Emili, InSilicoTrials Raimondas Galvelis, Acellera Symposium Chair Herman Van Vlijmen, Head of Molecular Sciences Symposium Description This symposium covers examples of development of academic research in biomedical computational simulations into commercial opportunities. Presentation topics can include (but are not limited to) commercialisation of software,…

Cloud & High Performance Computing

Invited Speakers Dr Alexandre Bonvin, Utrecht University Dr Andrew Grant, Atos Dr Wolfgang Gentzsch, UberCloud Symposium Chair Marco Verdicchio, IT Consultant, SURFsara Symposium Description High fidelity biomedical simulation addresses systems of immense complexity, in three dimensional space as well as time. This frequently calls for access to very powerful computers, including the most powerful ones…

Regulatory Science and in silico Trials

Invited Speakers Dr Tina Morrison, US Food and Drug Administration, USA (TBC) Dr Flora Musuamba, European Medicines Agency Symposium Co-Chairs Alfons Hoekstra, Assistant Professor, University of Amsterdam Marco Viceconti, Professor of Computational Biomechanics, University of Bologna Symposium Description An important application of Virtual Human technology are In-Silico Trials (IST). ISTs should contribute to the three…

Imaging & Visualisation

Invited Speakers Prof Abbes Amira, Qatar University Guillermo Marin, Barcelona Supercomputing Center Dr Thomas Odaker, LRZ Symposium Chair Fernando Cucchietti, Data Pre and Post Processing Group Manager Peter Coveney, UCL Symposium Description Imaging & Visualisation remain a cornerstone of modern medicine, allowing us to represent all the data that comes out of medical test devices…